What is female Forex?

Forex brokerage services for reasons such that both women and women trade quite successfully. Believe that men are better versed in the specifics of the foreign exchange market. Female brokerage, and does it have any features?

Different approaches to Forex.

The main reason for the differences in trade between women and men is psychology. Moreover, the specificity of perception of all kinds of situations in the market for girls is completely different.

How are men perceived to trade?

It is believed that the stronger sex enters the market like on the battlefield. He must be the winner. Male brokerage is adrenaline, anger, excitement, anything but composure. The strategies when the trader completely merges with the deposit did not even try to stop. Men are more difficult to admit their own mistakes and act according to the old pattern. The consecutive order forced the person to give up trading completely.

How are women perceived to be trafficked?

Girls are in every sense more resistant to stress, disciplined and patient. They have many quality qualities that cannot always be proven in practice. In addition, your deep self-preservation instinct is much more developed, because she should worry not only about herself. From here comes another important quality: responsibility. If a female broker starts trading, she will not mindlessly invest money without first assessing possible situations. This is probably how they succeed in this area. Ladies know how to stay calm even in situations when trading is not profitable. Women are never in a hurry. Girls prefer to delve into all the details of the process, carefully study the nuances, then start trading. This can be compared to cooking, because she has not yet learned the recipe and tried it in practice, and she does not receive a masterpiece from dishes. Although many male culinary specialists can boast of their success. Perhaps they could have become good brokers as well.

Examples of female bokerage.

For girls, a special site womanforex.ru has been created, where you can learn a lot of useful things, communicate with colleagues and more experienced traders, and learn something new. There are several interesting sections on the resource: strategies (about long and short-term trading, candlestick analysis); indicators (trend detection, divergence, volume trading); binary options; Forex for beginners; investments (Pamm accounts and Pamm brokers); fresh forecasts; cryptocurrency. Registering on the site is simple: you need to enter a valid email address in the window and create a password. After that, confirmation will be sent to the email. If you subscribe to a VIP subscription, news, information and secrets will be sent to the mail. You can also log into the site through social networks. It is possible to view the latest publications without registration.

Each article is discussed, where subscribers can ask questions and immediately get help on using indicators, installing programs, and so on.

The most famous women in Forex have achieved success thanks to their best qualities:

The activity in the futures market brought the British woman Clara Furze a millionth fortune. This lady was the first in world practice to be admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange. She impressed colleagues with her ability to instantly navigate the market situation and identify trends. Now over 50 years old, a woman trader is the chairman of the board of directors of the LSE and earns more than 1.5 billion a year.

Former librarian Carroll Gelly is no less famous. He currently holds a senior position at investment firm Merrill Lynch Investment Managers and manages over $ 500 billion in assets.

Cynthia Case began her journey to the world of Forex in those distant times when online trading was from the realm of fantasy. The financier is engaged in technical analysis and prefers long-term trading. Cynthia has developed several strategies and tools, and her main qualities are perseverance and strict discipline.

Not the last place in the rating is occupied by the Russian woman Olga Dergunova, who for a long time was the director of the regional department of Microsoft and was the head of the Federal Property Management Agency. Despite the scandalous stories associated with her name, the businesswoman is considered an outstanding trader.

Linda Raschke was born into the family of a stock trader, and it was her father who introduced her to the world of trading. The girl received her first investment in the amount of $ 25,000 at the age of 24, and from that time on her long journey began, which lasted 11 years. Linda does not hide her mistakes, as they helped her achieve success.

Successful female brokers have achieved high results in their field of activity, thanks to qualities that men so often lack. They also make mistakes, but their approach to trading allows for fewer failures. It is not entirely correct to talk about whether a female trader is worse or better than a male one. It’s just different.

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