It’s no secret that trading on the Forex platform is conducted around the clock, with the exception of weekends. But you can earn your profit only if the computer is on. There are cases when at night, for no explainable reason, there are jumps in prices for the currency, and in the morning the user receives an unpleasant surprise in the form of triggered stop-losses or large losses, leading to disadvantages.

It’s no secret that trading on the Forex platform is conducted around the clock, with the exception of weekends. But you can earn your profit only if the computer is on. There are cases when at night, for no explainable reason, there are jumps in prices for the currency, and in the morning the user receives an unpleasant surprise in the form of triggered stop-losses or large losses, leading to disadvantages. To prevent these troubles, there are programs that monitor any changes in the course of trading. These “robots” operate autonomously, without the need to be near the computer. There is only one condition for their work – this is the constant availability of the Internet.

Keeping your PC turned on around the clock is rather inconvenient, so the functions of uninterrupted power supply are performed by VPS servers for the Forex exchange. Let’s try to figure out what they are, why they are needed and how to use them.

What is a VPS server and what is it for

One of the most popular types of earning money on the Forex platform is currency rates, but in order for the work to be productive, you need to have a dedicated VPS server. It is a hosting that allows you to get permission to visit the server of the service provider of interest. Everything happens remotely, with access around the clock and daily. The server has a form that does not differ from the usual operating system, where you can load the platform of your broker partners and even place an expert in it. To connect to the desktop server, you need to go through the authorization procedure and enter your username using communication channels that have their own cipher. If the server is rented and will receive constant access to the Internet, the user will not have to constantly monitor the work on the exchange, which makes his work easier.

Server selection nuances

Before you start choosing a hosting, you should consider some of its parameters.


Despite the fact that everyone thinks that the server can provide guaranteed transmission of data and signals, it is still necessary to correctly approach its choice. For example, a user trades on a site located somewhere in Australia, and a VPS server is rented in Russia. Thanks to modern developments, the signal is transmitted in the shortest possible time, but at the same time it travels through a large number of nodes that can slow down the work. It follows from this that the choice of a VPS server should be close to the location of its user. In this case, fast PING will be provided.

Data center and indicators of its functioning

As a rule, all users are provided with the information that current centers usually use progressive capacities, but still have complaints about the quality of services of certain companies. The complaints are about the difference in the parameters mentioned in the advertisement, as well as in real data. You should not stop your choice based only on advertising, the main thing is to properly familiarize yourself with the reviews of those who have already tried it on themselves. It is better to spend more money, which will entail smaller losses in the future. Carefully follow the reviews on the services offered, especially if there are negative points.

Amount of information

An indicator such as the amount of memory directly depends on the cost of the server. And the higher this indicator is, the higher server performance you will get. Typically, basic service packages offer 256 MB of “RAM”, this is quite enough if you are not going to resort to the help of too resource-intensive experts. If you notice the “braking” work of the expert, then you should think about increasing the amount of RAM.

The choice of VPS package services should be done based on the information received. As a rule, companies that provide similar services themselves give tips regarding the necessary services, which further affects the quantitative and qualitative indicators on the trading floors. But, nevertheless, it is better to give your preference to good brokers and only after this choice you need to look for a bona fide VPS advisor.

Before ordering, you should get the following data:

• VPS location;
• The exact address of the server for trading;
• Ensure their compatibility;
• Check the speed of orders on the MT4 platform;
• Use a free VPS.
The last point is the most optimal, since this is a free option for using the server. You should also know where you can get a VPS server for free. User reviews and server ratings can help with this.

Top servers and their ratings

A remote PC with no interruptions is what a VPS server is. The main task of these models is to trade using Expert Advisors. An alliance such as an advisor + VPS can provide a trader with a good profit. Its main advantage is the rare need to check the terminal. As the experience of many users shows, problems can arise only at the stage of choosing an advisor, rather than when selecting a server that can work efficiently, quickly and cheaply.

Paid server options

For,to find the best server, you should first refer to the rating of VPS servers that have the best programs. The cost for them varies greatly, and a novice user cannot always understand which of the servers is better to choose for work. The main thing here is not to miscalculate and get a proven resource for use.

Servers at no cost

You can choose any advisor and broker thanks to the servers presented above. But if there is no money, what to do? Professionals, of course, recommend choosing “paid” resources because, in their opinion, these are the ones that can increase income. But if there is such a desire, then you can use the free helpers in test mode.

If you are satisfied with the services, all that remains is to replenish your account and continue working in this resource. There is an interesting offer from Adamant Finance – they offer a bonus to use the services of a free VPS server that has optimal technical characteristics. But, before you agree, you should find out all the negative aspects of it. In order to use this server, you need to be a client of the company and replenish your account with a certain amount. The amount invested is $ 50, it is not debited and remains at your disposal in your account – this is perhaps the only disadvantage of this resource. VPS hosting, or in other words a special server for Forex, needs a careful choice, only in this case you can get the most out of it. The use of paid programs with advanced functionality allows you to reach great heights in trading on the exchange.

So, in conclusion, it should be noted that a VPS server is simply necessary to achieve literacy and success in Forex trading. To achieve your goals, you can turn to a huge variety of companies for help, but the main thing to remember is to choose only the best option for you.